What is an RK Champion?
RoboKind appreciates the role every adult plays in helping students be successful. Each month we highlight a few partners who have exceptional use cases in all different areas of engagement with RoboKind. Not only are these facilitators highlighted in our newsletter to showcase their usage, but they also receive some RoboKind swag or prize to celebrate!
January’s RK Champion Challenge
This month, we will be focusing on student mastery by highlighting classrooms whose students are scoring 75% or greater on individually facilitated full lessons. The prize? A pizza party for your classroom!
Track Mastery Stats Using RK Central Data!

In RK Central, you can use the “Generate Report” feature to export a detailed account of every student’s usage in the time period of your choice.

Your report will contain a lot of data, but you can use the “Filter” tool for the following categories: Lesson Score, Lesson Mode, and Lesson Method.
- Lesson Score: choose scores 75% or greater
- Lesson Mode: select “Full”
- Lesson Method: select “Facilitated” for individual
student lessons

The top five classrooms in RK Central with the highest number of full lessons facilitated to students at a score of 75% or higher will win a pizza party for their class!
Making Meaningful Moves for Mastery
We know that practice, repetition, and progression build mastery. Our own Milo is inspired by Milo of Croton and the herculean-like strength he built by lifting the same bull everyday from childhood to early adulthood. With repeated practice, our students will progress towards mastering those social skills in and out of the classroom.
Consistency in classroom implementation can also have a positive impact towards student mastery. We recommend that students are learning with RoboKind at least 30 minutes per week. Embedding RoboKind into your Classroom Community is another powerful way to encourage consistency within the classroom.